- A product fermented with acetic acid bacteria
A material fermented with acetic acid bacteria extracted from fruits grown in Japan.
The active ingredient of IMMUNOL® is LPS, an immune vitamin.A featured ingredient on TV.
By increasing immunity, allergies are suppressed and beauty effects are promoted.
By combining it with lactic acid bacteria, a synergy effect is generated and the activation of macrophages in the body can be expected.
Activation of macrophages by IMMUNOL® was evaluated …
Changes in the inflamed areas due to allergic reactions and the number of eosinophils gathering in areas were evaluated …
Seven subjects (male and female) with hay fever ingested IMMUNOL® …
※The increase of IL12 activates the Th1 cells, one of the helper T cells that direct immune cells. The balance between the Th1/Th2 cells are maintained, keeping the immune system normal.
Fibroblasts and hyaluronic acid are important for creating beautiful skin.
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